Research project reports

Use this page to download final reports from the research projects funded as part of the first phase of DPUK.
Work Packages
WP12: Ethical, legal and social issues in dementia research
WP14a: Biostatistics (genetics)
WP14b: Biostatistics (methods)
WP16: Deep and Frequent Phenotyping
WP17: MR-PET network harmonisation study
WP18: Clinical Studies Register
Experimental Medicine
EM1: How do peripheral and central vascular markers relate to cognitive decline?
EM4: Crosstalk: the impact of cardiac anatomy and function on brain structure and health
EM6: PET imaging: changes in cerebral protein synthesis rates in AD
EM7: New Therapeutics in Alzheimer's Disease (NTAD): MEG biomarker platform development
EM8: Rates, Risks and Routes to Reduce Vascular Dementia (R4VaD)
EM9: Expanding DPUK genetics and integrating with inflammation/immunity research
EM10: MRI-PET tau population risk study
Discovery Awards
DPUK Discovery Awards were created to allow early-career researchers to pursue a particular dementia-related research question.
Building an e-cohort for dementia research
Exploring childhood adversity through adult cognitive and biomedical outcomes
Blog post: DPUK Discovery Award winner tackles discrepancies between brain scans
Identifying reliable change using cognitive tests in ageing and dementias research
The role of metabolic and cardiovascular disease and treatments in cognitive decline