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Harry Crook

Research Assistant, IMPRINT

Harry is a Research Assistant in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge working with Prof John O'Brien. Within DPUK, Harry works on a study titled IMPRINT (Immune Profiling in Early Cognitive Disorders) which aims to longitudinally evaluate immune signatures in patients with early Alzheimer's disease and early Dementia with Lewy bodies. This study takes place under the Neuroimmunology arm of the Experimental Medicine Incubator of DPUK.  


Prior to this post, Harry completed an MSc in Dementia (neuroscience) at University College London and worked as a Research Assistant in the Department of Neurology at Imperial College London, where his role also involved examining neuroinflammation in patients with Alzheimer's disease. He is particularly interested in the development of both central and peripheral biomarkers of neuroinflammation in order to ultimately improve diagnosis and power clinical trials into neurodegenerative disease.