Browse our blog for an insight into the vital work our researchers are doing to tackle dementia. We also explain more about the different types, symptoms and risk factors of dementia, busting the jargon and offering helpful tips and advice.
GUEST EDITORIAL - Building an innovative national network to support and retain new dementia researchers
3 March 2025
In this GUEST EDITORIAL by Fiona Carragher, Chief Policy and Research Officer at Alzheimer's Society, she looks at their new £9 initiative for Alzheimer’s Society Doctoral Training Centres (DTCs). these will bring together around 90 PhD students from 14 universities to answer some of the biggest questions in dementia research. These networks will generate new knowledge in Lewy body dementia, in the role of cardiovascular and immune systems, and in post-diagnostic care.
GUEST EDITORIAL - Blood-Based Biomarkers to Diagnose and Differentiate Dementias
3 March 2025
This article was written by Alamar Biosciences, one of our sponsors for Translation 2025. It looks at protein detection sensitivity with multiplexing focused on blood-based diagnosis and differentiation of dementias.
How DPUK’s dementia global Data Landscape Report will make repurposing datasets better, easier and quicker
The DPUK's Data Landscape Report is an ambitious project to create a publicly available tool to identify dementia-related datasets worldwide. Here researcher Amelia Morgan describes how it has been created and is now available for researchers to use.
Use of Mild Cognitive Impairment due to Lewy Bodies Research Diagnostic Criteria in the IMPRINT Study
Elena Herrera, a Research Assistant working in the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre in Cambridge explains work currently underway in the IMPRINT study which is exploring immunological biomarkers in early and prodromal stages of Lewy Body dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
Making data analysis training accessible. Everywhere.
We’ve just finished the latest of our online data analyst training events with 48 researchers completing our 5-day Advanced Data Academy. It takes the number of people who’ve been trained by DPUK to well over 300. I believe this is essential work for us to do... helping grow the number of researchers all over the world using human data for dementia research and studies.
DPUK capabilities extended to boost motor neurone disease research
11 November 2024
Over 10 years, Dementias Platform UK (DPUK) has built capacity and expertise to bolster the research world’s drive towards finding a cure for dementia. Our development of a world-leading data portal, a Trusted Research Environment and streamlined, effective processes, are enabling research projects to achieve so much. Now, DPUK is helping scientists focused on the life-shortening neurological condition motor neurone disease (MND). This is a life-shortening disease affecting 1 in 300 people. There is no known cure.
A positive buzz in Geneva at Alzheimer Europe 2024
On the shores of Lac Leman, Alzheimer Europe held its 34th Conference this month. During this busy event, current dementia research and the voices of people living with dementia were showcased at a packed gathering. We asked Dr Patrick Pflanz to share his own highlights and reflect on trends which emerged.
Action on a Global scale: International Collaboration in Dementia Research
Sarah Bauermeister, Associate Professor of Cognitive Neuropsychology, Senior Scientist & Senior Data Manager Dementias Platform UK gives an account of her recent visit to the Korea Brain Research Institute (KBRI) and the unveiling of a new Joint Research Centre that will facilitate collaboration with DPUK in dementia research.
Breathing the same air matters for scientists. Looking forward to Translation 2024
A short clip of Professor Simon Thompson explaining why Translation 2024 is important for dementia researchers involved with big data, delivering trials and undertaking experimental medicine.
DPUK's NTAD study finds MEG brain scanners are very sensitive to Alzheimer's disease
12 February 2024
Juliette Lanksey at the University of Cambridge is part of the team that has recently completed the New Therapeutics in Alzheimer's Disease study (NTAD) as part of the Experimental Medicine Hub.
What are biomarkers and why are they important in dementia research?
6 December 2023
Recent advances in blood-based biomarkers have led to headlines about potential blood tests for diseases such as Alzheimer’s. In this blog post, we explore how researchers can use biomarkers to see dementia-related changes in the brain, track disease onset and progression, and test the effectiveness of promising drugs and potential treatments.
Insights from OHBM 2023 with Gaurav Bhalerao, Our Postdoctoral Researcher
25 August 2023
Last month, our Post doc researcher, Gaurav Vivek Bhalerao , attended the Human Brain Mapping 29th Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada (22-26 July 2023). We sit down with Gaurav to chat about his journey and story and what insights he'd like to share with us.
New study: Estimating the association between Facebook adoption and well-being in 72 countries
11 August 2023
A new study published in the Royal Society Open Science journal, researchers delved into the complex relationship between Facebook adoption and well-being across 72 countries.
DPUK at AAIC 2023 - A Week of Collaboration and Inspiration
25 July 2023
In this blog post, we highlight the participation of Dementias Platform UK (DPUK) at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) 2023! From fostering collaboration at the Networking & Neuroscience event to sharing about our transformative projects.
Datathon 2023: A Journey Towards New Insights
10 July 2023
This year's Datathon focused on Cognitive Assessment Tools, offering participants a unique opportunity to study diverse datasets and uncover the relationship between cognitive tests and data analysis possibilities.
Exploring Great Minds
18 May 2023
In this enlightening blog post, we delve into the world of the Great Minds initiative, a valuable resource for dementia research. Dr. Ivan Koychev shares his insights about this project.
Art workshops find beautiful brains
20 April 2023
How art workshops have engaged African and Caribbean communities about how awesome the brain can be - even as we age.