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In a groundbreaking study, Eli Lilly Pharmaceutical has released Donanemab, a new drug that has shown promising results in slowing down cognitive decline in patients with early Alzheimer's disease.

Donanemab is the new drug which is exciting everyone in dementia research. It is the latest addition to a growing list of disease-modifying therapies aimed at combating Alzheimer's disease, with potentially huge impacts for millions of people worldwide.


Donanemab met all goals of the trial and slowed progression of the condition by 35% to 36% compared with a placebo in 1,182 people with early-stage Alzheimer’s. (Article by Andrew Gregory - Health Editor, The Guardian

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 Eli Lilly Cooperate Center - Image:

The results of the trial have been met with excitement from the scientific community. We asked our own team for their responses to teh news. 

Prof John Gallacher, Director of DPUK and Professor of Cognitive Health at University of Oxford said, "There is no question that the Donanemab results are exciting. The question now is how to prepare the NHS for delivering a new generation of disease-modifying therapies."

Dr. Vanessa Raymont from the University of Oxford added, "These encouraging results from a further disease-modifying drug means we are looking at a massive change in how we can manage, treat, and ultimately prevent Alzheimer's dementia, which is incredibly exciting."

In the other hand, some experts have cautioned that further research is needed to fully understand the safety and effectiveness of the drug. Dr. Ivan Koychev from the University of Oxford commented, "The side effects profile and intravenous route of administration, however, pose a question about the deliverability of these treatments in mainstream clinical practice."

James Rowe, Professor of Cognitive Neurology, University of Cambridge, also emphasised these points: “It is very exciting to see the new Top-line results on Donanemab released yesterday, coming hot on the heels of Lecanemab. It shows that investment in top-quality research works. The ability to substantially slow down Alzheimer’s disease is eagerly awaited by so many patients and families. We still need to see the details on safety, and on who does or does not respond well to treatment. It is clear however that our NHS healthcare services need to be getting ready to deliver advanced treatments - starting with an accurate diagnosis.”

The release of Donanemab by Eli Lilly Pharmaceutical is exciting news for the scientific community and Alzheimer's patients worldwide. While there are still concerns and questions to be answered regarding the drug's safety and effectiveness, the results of the clinical trial are a promising step forward in the fight against this debilitating disease. As we await further developments in this field, it is essential that healthcare services begin to prepare for the delivery of new generation therapies that have the potential to make a significant difference in patients' lives.